Welcome to a family friendly soundscape, transporting you to a tropical rainforest for a moment of relaxation.

Water Journey:
From the Elms to the Rainforests

A moment of relaxation. Let the watery sounds transport you from the banks of the River Thames, across the oceans to a secret imagined rainforest where the raindrops are warm and all animals thrive.

Click the play button below and enjoy the trip!

Please use headphones for an enhanced listening experience 🎧


Daisy is an interdisciplinary experimental contemporary artist, and scientist. She studies the ways in which art can be used to explore the world within and around us. Daisy’s research focusses on neuroaesthetics and how art can strengthen our connection to nature through all our senses, including listening to sounds.

She is currently studying at the Royal College of Art, London.

Daisy welcomes you to connect on instagram @daisyattherca

copyright daisyf©2024